Monday, May 20, 2013

Just a pickin' and a grinnin'

Hi Everyone,

One of the sheer joys of doing a show on Friday and Saturday is that it leaves Sunday morning open at home, which translates to 'pickin time'! 

There is a true junk flea market about 30 minutes from our place and I have been secretly training some of the vendors there into searching out what I need.

And it's working.

Today as I was making my rounds I had 3 of my regulars calling out to me, eager to show me their 'finds'. You get really strange looks from other customers when a vendor starts getting exuberant about their junk finds.

And boy, were there finds to be made.

Let's see, frames, buckets, ladders, porcelain basins, rakes and wires. It was a great pickin' morning and all before 9 AM which was a good thing, as it got really hot today and being out in the bare sun pickin' isn't fun.

I just wish we were home on more Sundays, there is a real thrill finding pieces that that can be reborn.

More thing to do, like unpack that vehicle . . . 

the Muze

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