Tuesday, May 7, 2013

First, we start in Brazil . . .

Hi Everyone,

I am actually in the middle of sorting a new load of our wonderful coffee bean bags from Intelligentsia and thought I would share a bit about them.

We refer to our friends at Intelligentsia as a real coffee company based in Chicago who really is a repurposing, recycle green company. Their coffee is so superior in flavor and taste and we love when the people we meet in our booth hear their name because we always hear the following words,"Ohh, Intelligentsia, we love that coffee". 

So I thought i would show you why we love this coffee as well.

It all starts with a container that arrives from any of the 13 countries we have bags from. 

Today's container is from Brazil. Top to bottom, side to side, full of huge bags.
Each one of these bags weighs about #150 -160. Gentlemen 1 and 2 pick a bag up and Gentleman 3 body blocks it so it will sit on the pallet, nice and straight. A job I couldn't even think of doing on a good day when I was younger.

What incredibly hard work!

Then the full pallet is picked up by our sweet Dan, he is the one that emails me and nicely pleads for me to get the several thousand bags out of his way on a regular basis. "Uh, Susan, the bags are overflowing and we need you to come get these bags out of here!"
There are literally thousands of these full bags everywhere you look. And because they are in close proximity to the massive roaster, the entire warehouse is a scent not to be believed. Fresh roasted coffee beans is right up there with one of the greatest scents of all time. And they always have a fresh pot brewing for visitors. Sweet!

So then our bags, still full of their great beans make it over to the roaster and packaging areas.

After they are all emptied and put aside, our friend Jason then brings them by the pallet load to our trailer.
As seen in the photograph above, a few may end up outside the trailer during transport. Oops. I never said this was a perfect operation on our part.

Then our precious bags get man handled by the public . . . 
and hopefully look gorgeous one day as something like this . . . 
 or this . . . 
 or these. . .  

Pretty amazing, huh?

We think so.

Our thanks to everyone at Intelligentsia for letting us grab pictures and explore the warehouse, while they worked around us at a high speed efficiency. Such polite, courteous professionals, we love having them as our partners.

the Muze

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