Almost finished our sachets today, my back was not cooperating with the whole sewing and ironing program I had laid out for today's activities. Along with Fran care, lunch and dinner for her and talking my dear friend Ana into buying another building and opening another business, it was a really, really full busy day.
Oh and celebrating my nephew's first day on his new job. and reading emails, wonderful emails from all sorts of great folks.
First up early this morning was a client who was over the moon with some new ideas that I came up with for her daughters wedding. That's a great start. Then there were several phone calls and emails about having actual lavender plants for sale at The Vintage Market in Rockford. Yes, we scored big time thanks to Theresa in Michigan!
Beautiful real lavender plants.
That will one day hopefully look like this
Yes this could be yours! With a little water, a little sun and a good growing season. Get yours in April at the Market in Rockford IL.
A full day with Fran care, sewing, ironing and a great dinner, thank God for Rival Crockpots, I'm just saying, and soon it was back to business at the office. Tons of work just waiting for me. Argh!
Then about 10 minutes ago I opened an email that made me smile and laugh out loud. No, the latest edition Shoppers of Walmart is not out, but an out-of-the-blue hello from some great gals we meet last market in Indy.
We had been swamped and I don't remember exactly what transpired up to the point that I do remembering asking one of the gals where she was from. I could distinctly hear a German accent. Well me being me, you can enter an eye roll here, when given the information that they were actually from Holland and Germany, came up with the monikers that Heidi and Gretchen were shopping our booth to other customers in our place at the time. You all know me, everybody gets into the conversation. We all were laughing quite hard and they were saying that when I go to the Netherlands to shop that great Burbri Antiek they wanted to come along as real life tour guides. What, were they serious?
Naturally I agreed, rather enthusiastically. I couldn't imagine how cool that would be to actually shop with someone who knows the ins and outs of a foreign place that well.
So imagine tonight when I opened an email addressed, Dutch connection:) how surprised I was to read the following. . .
We met at Indie Arts and Vintage on the 9th of this month
and I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed our chat.
I was there with my bestest friend. You referred to us
German girls as 'Heidi and Gretchen'. LOL
Although truth be told I am more Dutch than German. Well,
I'm equal parts... but I FEEL more Dutch since that's where I grew up. ;)
You even wanted us to go to The Netherlands with you to shop
for antiques!
I do hope you remember us. We should be able to go to your
next show at the Indy Fairgrounds too. :)
Have a wonderful evening!!
Irenea aka. Dutchy
I believe you called me Gretchen, due to my dark hair
Not only did we remember, George and I started laughing out loud because we remembered how funny they were and just a down right delightful to have in our booth. We definitely couldn't forget them. Nope, not at all.
I have said it before and I will keep shouting it from the roof tops, we are so incredibly blessed to meet and share our lives with some of the coolest people on the planet. It really is the true nature of the group we are fortunate to show with and the great visitors/customers/friends we meet along the way.
It's after 11 PM and I still have a couple hours of paperwork to go through, so we will chat again,
the Muze
do you ever sleep? I want to know what is in that crock pot that gives you all of this amazing energy. you inspire me Susan- off to the sewing machine...